A tram taxi to reduce the use of cars in the city.
Linköping University
Jan - Jun 2018
In pairs we were tasked with designing a tram taxi (vehicle on rails) and implement it in a pre-made city environment in Unreal Engine 4. Using blueprints we simulated movements of both Eken and surrounding objects to make the environment feel more realistic.
The vehicle itself was created using Fusion 360. We made several iterations before settling on the final design.
In Unreal Engine 4 we used blueprints to simulate automatic doors, the movement of the tram taxi, movements of the first-person player sitting down, to name a few things.
I found it very challenging to coordinate everything and have it do what I wanted at the right time. But I really enjoyed working in Unreal, and the feeling when it did work was amazing and I'm very proud of our result.