Graphic Design
How to convay a message using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.
Auckland University of Technology
Feb - Jun 2020
During a course I learned a lot about digital communication, the creation process and what to consider to convey a message using digital tools. My knowledge regarding visual hierarchy, colours, fonts, layouts and other areas improved greatly.
The task was to create an infographic conveying a process. All visual content on this infographic is created by me in Adobe Illustrator.
Magazine spread
This assignment was to pick an article, create an image to visualize the key message in the text, and combine text and image in a magazine spread. The image had to be visibly manipulated, but look good. I took my own photos, combined four pictures in this image and played with light and colour to create the desired effect.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign.