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Palette Healthcare Team

A project with the municipality of Strängnäs for more proactive care to improve their short-term residency. 

Linköping University

Group project

Jan - June 2021

Description of Project

In a team of seven students from different degrees, we were assigned to work with the municipality of Strängnäs to improve the care journey for the people in need of the short-term residency. The project owner wished for us to focus on the users and wanted tips on how they could work more proactive. My part of the group included being the team leader, meaning I lead the meetings of the group and with the project owner from Strängnäs.


For starters we interviewed multiple people in the organisation and a few users, and later conducted two workshops to both evaluate the current system and brainstorm ideas for a new service system. See the image below one of the walkthroughs were a care journey was rolplayed with people in the care organisation. 

Description of Concept

The idea of the Palette Team is that all involved with the user in the care system are in contact with each other, share information and can together discuss a care plan. One person is also meant to be in charge and contact new parties if the user is need of their skills. With such a team,  the user will not be sent between departments as their team will organize any visits as they become necessary. This will reduce the stress and the  feeling of uncertainty of the user as they don't have to look up their options themselves, as it is now. With this team, they can rest assured that they are taken care of. The user will also get a more close contact with someone in the care organisation, which will increase the trust and therefore the possibility of them sharing any troubles as they happen. The team is also flexible, meaning that only those needed will be in the team, so the members may vary depending on the needs of the user.

Image made by another group member.

Furthermore, we also wanted to brainstorm how it could work in a future where more technical aids could be implemented.

Image made by another group member.

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